How Much Does a Cheetah Weigh?

The legendary cheetah is one of nature’s most fascinating animals and is as ferocious as it is fast, but how much does one weigh?

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‍The legendary cheetah is one of nature’s most fascinating animals and is as ferocious as it is fast, but how much does one weigh?

The most common cheetah in the world, found in Tanzania and Kenya, can weigh roughly 110 lbs to 130 lbs. However, less common cheetah species are found in other parts of Africa and the world with a weight that fluctuates from 50 to 160 lbs.

Cheetahs are an incredible species and are the world’s fastest land animal with a top speed of 70 miles per hour. They can accelerate from 0 to 70 in just 3 seconds! This means that they are faster than most modern sports cars! Unfortunately, the species is currently classified as critically endangered, which means that protecting cheetahs has never been more important. It’s also worth noting that not all cheetahs reside in Africa like many people presume - with some cheetah species living in Central Asia. While these cheetahs share many similar features, they also have some different characteristics such as their weight. Let’s examine cheetahs a bit closer by taking a look at the different species.

After becoming a zoologist and spending time in the field studying different types of cheetahs, I have seen firsthand how they behave in the wild and have concluded that a standardized weight for the species can be categorized based on the animal’s diet, gender, and geographical location.

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Cheetah Weight

While cheetahs are ferocious and intimidating animals it is important to remember that they are still cats, which share some common personality and behavioral traits as your average household cat. With that being said, this is one cat that you do not want to cross while roaming in its territory.

If you are in Africa and exploring the wildlife, you will see other cat species such as lions, which love to hunt just as much as cheetahs do but have a very different approach, lifestyle, and weight. Most cats generally like to hunt at night, as this makes it easier for them to catch their prey, however, cheetahs like to hunt during the day, which is very unusual for a cat species. I suppose if you are the fastest land animal in the world, you can afford to hunt on your own terms.

With that being said, cheetahs in the wild will normally have a standardized weight but it can sometimes fluctuate during challenging times when there is less food around. Cheetahs tend to go primarily after prey such as gazelles, warthogs, and birds, which are no match for the speed and agility of the 70-mile per hour cat. However, there are seasonal factors and environmental conditions that sometimes limit the amount of food that a cheetah can rely on. This can result in the weight of some cheetahs becoming a bit lower than average.

In addition, cheetahs can vary slightly in weight depending on their geographical location there is a rare cheetah species that also exists in the Middle East in the nation of Iran. This incredible cheetah species was once abundant in southern parts of Asia and the Middle East, but due to the animal being viewed as a dangerous predator to humans, it has nearly been hunted into extinction. Let’s break down the weight of a cheetah based on its species and gender.

East African Cheetah

The cheetah that most of us think of is the Acinonyx jubatus raineyii - or the East African Cheetah. This is the most common species of cheetah left in the world and can be found in nations such as Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda.

The primary hunting and living area of the East African cheetah is within the Serengeti. This is a perfect habitat for this incredible cat, as the natural landscapes and environmental features such as the tall golden savannas are a perfect place for this cheetah to hunt its prey.

The average male Acinonyx jubatus raineyii cheetah generally weighs about 130 lbs - assuming that it has had a steady diet. However, a female East African Cheetah will normally weigh a bit less at approximately 110 lbs.

South African Cheetah

Another incredible type of cheetah on the same continent is the South African Cheetah. There are just 1,300 or so South African Cheetahs left in the world, which is why protecting them through conservation programs and funds has never been more important.

The South African Cheetah primarily roams the gorgeous landscapes of the Kalahari Desert, which borders the nations South African, Botswana, and Namibia. This incredibly hot and hostile environment is a place you do not want to be stranded in - especially if there are cheetahs roaming around.

The South African Cheetah has a bit more fluctuation in its weight, but that does not make this big cat any less lethal (or fast), as they can kick into full gear just as quickly as any other cheetah species. The average male South African Cheetah weighs about 110 lbs to 125 lbs. Whereas a female South African Cheetah weighs anywhere from 75 lbs to 90 lbs.

Asiatic Cheetah

As mentioned above, there is an extremely rare cheetah species that resides in the Middle Eastern nation of Iran. We practically never hear this species variation ever mentioned due to how few of them are left in the world.

For the past 200 years, the Asiatic Cheetah species’ population has been on a steep decline - with many people going out of their way to kill this cheetah on sight - given that it may pose a threat to humans.

The conditions that this cheetah has to live and hunt in can make it challenging for the animal to receive consistent and adequate food. Factors such as this can greatly affect the health of the Asiatic Cheetah species and its weight.

A standard male Asiatic Cheetah will weigh roughly 70 lbs to 80 lbs. You can expect a female Asiatic Cheetah to weigh slightly less at 50 to 60 lbs.

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